This is a work in progress and not a release. We're looking for volunteers. See Issues to know how to collaborate.

SEAL 911

tag: [Security Specialist, Operations & Strategy]

SEAL 911 is a project designed to give users, developers, and even other security researchers an accessible method to contact a small group of highly trusted security researchers. The group can be reached via the Telegram bot.

Members of SEAL 911 follow a strict CODE OF CONDUCT.

When interacting with SEAL 911, ensure that you give as much information as possible in order to avoid double work by the security researchers.

Crisis Handbook - Smart Contract Hack | Google Doc

Actions Checklist

Perform Immediately

  • Notify SEAL 911 Bot of the incident. Use this message template to get started.
  • Create a War Room with audio and share the invite link with trusted individuals.
  • Duplicate this document to allow collaboration and share the link in the War Room.
  • Review the Advice to Keep in Mind section.

Perform in Parallel by Role

  1. Assign Key Roles to War Room Members:

    • Assign members to specific roles.
  2. Analysis:

    • Scope the impact of the attack.
    • Gather Transactions Involved.
    • Gather Affected Addresses.
    • Record Funds Movement.
    • Gather Attacker Information.
    • Investigate the issue and update the Issue Description.
    • Propose workable solutions.
  3. Protocol actions:

    • Take immediate corrective/preventative actions to prevent further loss of funds.
    • Pause contracts if possible.
    • Execute pre-made defensive scripts.
    • Prioritize proposed solutions.
    • Validate and execute the solution.
    • Prepare monitoring alerts for situations that require future actions.
  4. Web actions:

    • Disable deposits and/or withdrawals as needed in the web UI.
    • Enable frontend IP or Address blacklisting.
    • Create frontend for any user actions necessary (approval revoking, fund migrating, etc.).
  5. Communications:

    • Identify social platforms that communications on the incident must be sent to.
    • Prepare messages for incident communication internally and externally.
    • Gather security contacts for any potentially affected downstream protocols (bridges, lending protocols).
    • Notify block explorers (like Etherscan) for attacker address labeling.
    • Continuously monitor social media for users providing additional information that aids whitehat efforts.
    • Monitor War Room efforts and maintain the Event Timeline.

After all of the above is complete, consider Post Incident Actions

Information Gathering

Information will primarily be shared and acted upon in the War Room. As time allows, consolidate intel in the below section to achieve the following:

  • Accurately scope the incident impact.
  • Inform new War Room members and third parties efficiently.
  • Aid external communication.

This is the chief duty of the Scribe.

Issue Description

The issue involves an unauthorized transfer of funds from the protocol's treasury contract due to a vulnerability in the contract's access control mechanism. The attacker exploited this vulnerability to initiate multiple transfers, siphoning funds to an external wallet.

Events Timeline

Record events to construct an overall timeline of the incident. Events worth recording:

  • First notice of the incident
  • War room creation
  • External communications
  • Attack transactions
  • Transactions performed by the team

Record times in UTC. Use a UTC Time Converter.

Date-Time (UTC)Event DescriptionNotes
2024-08-23 12:45First notice of the unauthorized transferAlert received via monitoring system
2024-08-23 12:50War room createdInitial members invited
2024-08-23 13:05Notified SEAL 911 BotIncident report submitted
2024-08-23 13:15Attack transaction identifiedTransaction hash: 0x123456789abc
2024-08-23 13:20Contracts pausedPrevented further fund transfers
2024-08-23 13:30External communication initiatedFirst update sent via Twitter

Transactions Involved

Record all transactions related to the incident.

Transaction LinkNotes
0x123456789abcdef...Initial exploit transaction
0xabcdef123456789...Attacker moving funds to mixer
0xfedcba987654321...Defensive move by the team

Affected Addresses

Record affected addresses related to the incident (protocol contracts, bridges, users, etc.).

Address LinkStatusNotes
0x1111222233334444...At RiskUser wallet, interacted with exploit
0x5555666677778888...ImpactedProtocol treasury address
0x99990000aaaabbbb...PausedLending protocol contract
0xaaaabbbbccccdddd...SavedBridge contract, funds secured
0xddddeeeeffff0000...Needs ReviewUser wallet, unusual activity noted
0x2222333344445555...UncertainUser wallet, pending analysis

Funds Movement

Record funds movement to gather the impact of the incident and organize recovery efforts.

  • Original address that held the funds
  • Transaction that moved the funds
  • Assets and amounts the funds are comprised of
  • Destination the funds moved to (Contract, CEX, Bridge, Mixer)
  • Recovery Status of the funds

Use Phalcon Tx Explorer to aid in recording funds movement.

OriginTransaction LinkAmount / AssetDestinationRecovery StatusNotes
0x5555666677778888...0xabcdef123456789...1000 ETHMixer addressNeeds ReviewFunds moved to Tornado Cash
0x99990000aaaabbbb...0x9876543210fedcba...500,000 DAICEX addressIn ProgressFunds transferred to centralized exchange
0xaaaabbbbccccdddd...0x123456789abcdef...200 BTCContract addressRecoveredFunds recovered via multisig
0xddddeeeeffff0000...0xfedcba987654321...50,000 USDCBridge addressUncertainFunds possibly moved cross-chain

Attacker Information

Gather attacker information to aid legal efforts and fund recovery.

Address LinkFunded ByNotes
0xabcdefabcdefabcd...Tornado CashInitial funding from Tornado Cash mixer
0x123456789abcdef...CEXReceived funds from centralized exchange
0xfedcba987654321...UnknownNo prior activity, potentially new wallet

Post Incident Actions

  1. Confirm the incident has been resolved.
  2. Create monitoring alerts for situations requiring future actions.
  3. Prepare scripts to perform any actions related to monitoring events in the future.
  4. Consider creating additional defensive scripts (pause/upgrade) to use for future situations.
  5. Schedule a Post Mortem writeup.
  6. Post the writeup to relevant social media.


Advice to Keep in Mind

  • Limit the War Room occupancy. Be careful not to invite too many people during the early stages. Sensitive information is being shared; be wary.
  • Make it clear to War Room members not to publicize information without the protocol’s consent.
  • Do not speak to the press/news/publications.

Key Roles

  • Operations: Initiates War Room, assigns roles, distributes tasks, herds multisig participants.
    • Person Responsible
  • Scribe: Consolidates gathered information for efficiency in knowledge-sharing.
    • Person Responsible
  • Strategy Lead: Prioritizes actions, considers trade-offs of decisions.
    • Person Responsible
  • Protocol Lead: Responsible for smart-contract actions (pausing, upgrading, etc.).
    • Person Responsible
  • Web/Infrastructure Lead: Responsible for updating the frontend, managing servers.
    • Person Responsible
  • External Communicator: Social media and user communications.
    • Person Responsible

Suggested Tools and Platforms

DiscordPlatformA familiar platform for web3 collaboration. Spin up a server quickly using our recommended template. Tips: New users must be granted the approved role before they can view chats. Upon creation, grant yourself the approved role and share an invite link with trusted members.
TelegramPlatformA familiar platform for web3 collaboration. Tips: Upon New Group creation, enable chat history as visible to new members. To do this: Info -> Edit -> Chat History For New Members -> Visible
Google HangoutsPlatform
Phalcon Tx ExplorerTx Analysis
Openchain Trace ExplorerTx Analysis
Tenderly Tx ExplorerTx Analysis, DebuggingSome features require login.
Tenderly AlertsMonitoringMonitor addresses, on-chain actions, etc. Requires login.
MetaSleuthMonitoringMonitor fund movement. 50 address limit. Requires login (premium feature).
Github / GistCode SharingCreate a private repo or secret gists and share the link with War Room participants only.
CodeShareCode SharingSessions expire after 24 hours.
HackMDCode SharingPrivate notes become published after ~48 hours. Be very careful with sensitive information!

SEAL Message Template

Fill out with relevant information and send to SEAL 911 Bot.

Protocol: [Protocol Name]
Attack Tx(s): [Transaction Hash(es)]
Funds at Risk: [Estimated Amount in USD or Token]

[Brief Description of the incident]